Hard Work Has Paid off for Filmmaker Soma Helmi, Editor Gillian Hutshing, Their Collaboration Ark, Has Just Dropped on Dust and Is Receiving Sensational Reviews.

Reviews From YouTube:

“What science fiction should be…a human story. Awesome!”

“Brilliant pacing. The lengthy beats between each line of dialogue kept me excited for the next development, and the conversation didn’t mince words. Every beat had its payoff. Fantastic acting, and showed off what a quality sci-fi production can do with next to zero special effects. Loved this one.”

“The Camera angles, The Lighting, The Mood and Expression, The actors… It’s Perfect.”

“Another amazing short movie…so much well acted….impressive. Mark Stevens mentioned how she snaps back to her Captain role, that was so well done. Congrats
Actors and Director.”

ARK publicity still